Looking for a job?
Mikrotec Optika is looking for new team members!
Every candidate is our potential future colleague. From the first day of job selection, we try to make the whole process a positive experience. First of all, we try to adapt to candidates at all times if they are unable to come to the interview at the time it is scheduled. Our dear Aleksandra and Jovana are here to make the process as pleasant as possible for every candidate and give them a closer look into all that we are as a company.
What to expect from us?
Regular earnings and
an employment contract
Rewards, bonuses
and gifts
Education and
professional development
interaction and support
days off
Comfortable and safe
working environment
parking space
What does our selection process look like?
Round of selection
- Group interviews - along with other candidates, we introduce you to our company, products and processes
- Individual interviews - we get to know you better and lay clear foundations for cooperation
Round of selection
- Trial day - for the duration of 4-5 working hours, you go through a trial day with the head of the department in which you want to be employed
- Signing the contract - if it all clicks, we sign the contract
After both rounds, all candidates are informed about the outcome of the selection, be it positive or negative. From the moment you apply for a job, you can expect our answer within a week!
rounds of the selection process
days of selection
What do our employees say about us?
I found out about the open position of production engineer through a good friend from university.
As I previously worked in large collectives, I was curious and interested to see what it is like to work in a somewhat smaller environment. In addition, as an engineer, I was also interested in the technology used by the company Mikrotec Optika, which is the production of miniature lenses for the medical and photo industries.
Already on the trial day, which was part of the candidate selection process, I saw how the company works, what kind of lens manufacturing technology and what kind of atmosphere there is, and I decided that this is the company I would like to work for.
For young people with no experience who are entering the business world, Mikrotec Optika provides training that is not available in most companies at that level. Our company has existed for 15 years and we have employees who have been there since the very beginning. These are colleagues who provide you with immense support every day, pass on knowledge and are there for you. Every day opens the possibility to learn something new.
I have been part of Mikrotec Optika for 14 years. I am in the position of a team leader, and still learning how to choose what is best for the company and for my teammates. I am proud of every joint success, because my superiors support me and my colleagues trust me. The work I do is about responsibility, precision and dedication.
Making optical lenses is an art and a handiwork.
Their application in medicine is increasing, and having a small share in it is above all an honor. In the years behind me, I had the opportunity to learn both business and communication within the team. Forming a team of satisfied and hard-working colleagues is not an easy task at all. What makes me particularly happy is that I continue to accept challenges, new methods and improvements to existing processes. Colleagues who I brought into the business were with me, and I imparted knowledge and work skills to them. That was my greatest reward from the very beginning. In the years ahead, I look forward to joint successes.
U potrazi za poslom zbog blizine radnog mesta, odlučila sam se za Mikrotec Optiku. Ono što je bilo presudno da ostanem u kompaniji već 11 godina, pre svega je tim i kolege koje su mi postali prijatelji.
Svakako, tu su i benefiti koje kompanija pruža kao i mogućnosti učenja, sticanja znanja i veština u celoj proizvodnji.
Za Mikrotec Optiku saznala sam putem Infostuda, kada je bila otvorena radna pozicija za Špeditera. Posao mi je delovao zanimljivom, još jedan izazov za mene. Kroz četiri godine zaposlenja prošla sam proces usavršavanja do planera proizvodnje, jer su prepoznati moj trud i zalaganje.
Sve ovo doprinelo je da sazrim i obučim se za nešto potpuno novo. Uz dobar tim, sve ciljeve je moguće realizovati.
U potrazi za novim iskustvom, a po preporuci sadašnje koleginice, stigao sam u Mikrotec Optiku i nisam se pokajao ni jednog momenta. Konstantno imam priliku da stičem nova znanja, a da prenesem iskustvo na nove kolege.
Mikrotec prati svetsko tržište i novitete planira i implementira u skladu sa potrebama posla. Sa druge strane, zaposleni imaju otvorenu mogućnost da daju nove predloge za unapređenje.
Kompanija ima tendenciju rasta, što mi uliva dodatnu sigurnost.
Kolege su me srdačno prihvatile i obostrano zadovoljstvo traje već šest godina.
Operater u Mikrotec Optici je moje prvo zaposlenje. U kompaniji sam pet godina i prezadovoljna sam. Ono što me čini najviše motivisanom jesu kolektiv i sam posao.
Mikrotec je pre dve godine uveo program mentorstva za sve nove zaposlene za poziciju operatera i izabrana sam od svojih nadređenih da budem prvi mentor i da zajedno sa njima pokrenemo ovu priču. To me je dodatno motivisalo i dalo potvrdu da se trud i zalaganje isplate.
Radom u Mikrotec Optici započela sam svoju karijeru u okviru kompanije, na poziciji specijalista za pravne poslove, budući da sam do tada radila samostalno ili u okviru manjih timova. Za otvorenu poziciju sam saznala preko sajta Infostud u potrazi za novim izazovom. U kompaniji veličine kao što je Mikrotec i koja broji oko 150 zaposlenih svaki pojedinac ima priliku da se istakne i da svojim radom direktno doprinese uspehu poslodavca. Brigom o zaposlenima i kontinuiranim praćenjem trendova u oblasti beneficija, Mikrotec pruža mogućnost svakom zaposlenom za profesionalni i lični razvoj.
Current job openings
We are hiring! View currently open job positions at Mikrotec Optika and apply today.
Apply for a job
Send us your resume electronically or bring it in person to our address on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview, where all their additional questions will be answered.